Category Just War Theory

Just War Theory and Peacebuilding

Exploring the intricate interplay between peacebuilding and just war theory unveils a nuanced landscape of ethical considerations and practical implications. As conflicts persist globally, understanding the principles that underpin these domains becomes paramount. How do we navigate the complexities of…

Just War Theory and Moral Responsibility

Delving into the intricate interplay of moral responsibility and just war theory illuminates the core tenets that guide ethical decision-making in times of conflict. From individual to collective accountability, these principles shape the fabric of our moral landscape. Contemplating the…

Just War Theory and Technology

Exploring the intricate relationship between technology and the principles of Just War Theory unveils a compelling discourse on ethics and warfare. From cyber warfare to artificial intelligence, each development poses new challenges and ethical dilemmas that test the very foundations…

Ethical Dilemmas in Just War Theory

Exploring the intricacies of ethical dilemmas within Just War Theory delves into a realm where moral imperatives intertwine with strategic decisions. From the Principle of Double Effect to Controversies around Collateral Damage, the essence of warfare ethics resonates amidst multifaceted…

Just War Theory in International Relations

In the realm of International Relations, Just War Theory stands as a moral compass guiding actions in times of conflict. From the delicate balance between state sovereignty and collective security to the intricate web of international institutions and human rights…

Critiques and Debates within Just War Theory

Within the realm of Just War Theory, a myriad of perspectives converge to dissect the ethical frameworks that underpin armed conflict. From Pacifist and Realist critiques to Feminist and Environmental considerations, the discourse unravels the intricacies of moral decision-making in…

Historical Development of Just War Theory

Delving into the historical development of just war theory unveils a profound journey through the annals of time, charting ancient origins to contemporary debates. From the intricate tapestry of medieval ethical considerations to the nuanced interpretations in modern warfare, the…

Principles of Just War Theory

Amid the tumult of history’s conflicts, Just War Theory has stood as a beacon of ethical guidance, its principles shaping the moral landscape of warfare. From the venerable tenets of ‘Just Cause’ to the nuanced considerations of ‘Right Intention,’ this…